bilik cam tongkang pecah..kan aku ckp, aku buzy..mls nk kemas laa…smua note bertaburan..ada maid nk hired tak?? yg penting maid tue baekkk punyaa… 
contoh kete pkai carbon-fiber..gempaq kn? hmmm….seriously aku takdaa idea nk tulis paa…no idea, kering idea, blurrrr, jiwa kosong, and bla bla blaaa…tau sebab paa?? aku highlight nie…hidup aku now cukup membosankan, memboringkan, memeningkan, serabut, tak terurus, dan yg sewaktu dengannya memandangkan coursework, MEng project, and thesis smua parallel perlu disiapkan dlm tempoh around 3weeks nie..tak caya tgk gmbr bilik aku, cam tongkang pecah…memang ari2 aku ngadap laptop nie utk wat kja2 tue smua yg membuatkan aku rs bila dh kje nnt, ada duit, nk hempukkk2 laptop nie..dah tak efisien, lembap, and asyik hang jaaa…ngada2 nyaa laptop..gilaa kaa paa..br 2 thn aku pkai..teknologi laa nie dh makin gempaq laaa…kjap jaa kehebatan spesifikasi laptop aku nie bertukar menjadi ketinggalan dek teknologi yg entah pa2 ntah nowadays…
haaa…alang2 aku bosan gilaa babun bukan kepalang malam nie..let me tell u new knowledge dat can be shared among us…sharing is caring rite? memandangkan aku wat coursework subjek advanced technology review, aku wat laa review and research pasal cars of the future: plastic makes perfect…adaa paham? aku unexpected laa yg body kete sebenarnya dah stat difabricate using plastic material like carbon-fibre reinforced plastic..contoh commercial car yg first adapt dis technology is Carrera GT Porshe and Lotus Elise…tak wide lagi laa application material nie utk kete…but, dah ada stepping stone laa..at least, dh ada laa pengerak, enzim, catalyst, and bla bla bla company yg dh stat pakai..before nie, Boeing 787 guna CFRP nie utk design a lot of their main component like wing structure, fuselage, etc….and tak dilupakan juga, kete F1 pun pkai dis composite material..nmpk tak, applikasi material nie dh quite byk laa, but, as a new and emerging, plan2 kayuh laa kn…actually laaa, material nie punya advantages byk gilaaa dowwwh..okay, according to F=ma kan mama kan.…ha ha ha ha..force=mass x acceleration laa..means, kalu kete tue mass(jisim daa) dia ringan…ckit laa force kn…so, in term of fuel consumption and performance..kiraa saving laaa bro…wlaupun composite nie light in weight, but still strong for properties maa like high strength-to-weight and high stiffness-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, and high durability…lagi satu, easy to fabricate for any complex shape..and mesti laa nmpk eye-catching rite…so, pasni, lgi pelik2 laa design kete, tapi yg penting, jgn design cam peti sejuk proton juara sudeeee..ha ha ha..next, fabrication using CFRP reduces the number of parts making up and the need for fasteners and joints that may be the weak points of a component yg bole menyebabkan potensi crack-initiation..dlm byk baik2 part jaa, material nie adaa laa gak part yg tak baik..cth nyaa, expensive laaa bro..nk material yg bagus knaa ada modal yg bgus laa kn..klu kail pjg sejengkal, jgn memancing di lautan dlm, klu takut dilambung ombak, jgn berumah di tepi pantai..hu hu hu..for properties side, how microstructural part, surface modification about dis material, pjg sgt nk citaa laa…angpaa cari sendri laa dlm tenet noo..tanya makcik google and uncle yahoo…tak kan smua aku nk citaa kot..eden ponat nk type…
next…aku nk share pasal business plan..actually, for my MEng project..refer to entry bikin panas jaa laa..aku acting as project engineer..so, part nie aku wat laa..aku tunjuk laa roughly proposal aku wat kat consultant from UK yg hired by my uni, tau paa dia kata…jeng jeng jeng..ha ha ha ha..quite good as rough nyaa proposal…pehhhhh…okay, b4 aku melalut syok sendri lagi pjg..aku nk tanya, angpaa tau tak business plan tue apa…utk apa…cmna..di mana..bagaimana..siapa…bla bla bla laa lgi..hmmm, bukan aku nk tunjuk pndai laa or kononnya nk cita lebat..kn aku ckp td, sharing is caring…ulang lagi adek2..sharing is caring…hu hu hu..business plan nie di wat as a proposal for bank loan or nk dpt kn investor or sewaktu dgn nya..kita cita psal business kita…marketing strategy…business strategy..promotion…financial planning..SWOT analysis..porter’s 5 forces analysis…PEST analysis..4P analysis..management planning..etc…yg aku nk cita pendek jaa actually, pasal business strategy for competing in emerging industries..especially new startup company laa…
a) seeking industry leadership and capturing potential first-mover advantages
b) push to perfect technology, improve product quality, and attractive features
c) form strategic alliances with key supplier etc…advice from consultant to us coz product kitaorg pasal2 kete nyaa product, don’t form with automotive company coz depaa nie hanya tau manipulate untung by push us to lower price…mean, tak competitive laa..
d) use price cuts to attract price-sensitive buyers
Next, target market knaa btul laa..understand paa yg potential customer nk..bukan syok sendri..marketing and promotion kna aggressive and effective laa..advertising tue essential maa..kna kja kuat..go go chaiyokkkk..tau tak, kat dunia nie, internet user around 1,581,571,589 and 15,868,000 @ 62% from population kat Malaysia nie pkai tenet…so, gunaa laa tenet maa nk promote..byk tue chances to success and explore…knal dr. irfan khairi? not khairy jamaluddin laa..ha ha ha ha…dr. irfan nie jutawan tenet yg muda…wat business pkai tenet jaa…kayo jaa…klu dia bole, tak kan kitaa tak bole kn…kata Malaysia bole…bole kaa?? ha ha ha ha…
So…end of story laa for 2nite…mls nk tulis pjg2 lgi…ckp byk tak gunaa…chill rrrr jommm…
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